Spring Break is upon us, and if you are from the good ole’ midwest, this will probably be your first encounter with sunshine this year! So naturally, you head to the nearest Target or drugstore to pick up the essentials, sunscreen being......
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Someone once said All women are face-pickers.  Whether or not that statement is true, here are some important things to keep in mind when you get the urge to pop a zit. When you squeeze a pimple you are spreading bacteria.  Either......
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Facelift Options

May 20, 2013
Many women and men begin to notice signs of facial aging in their late thirties and early forties. While a full facelift to tighten sagging skin and address deeper skin folds and wrinkles may not be appropriate for the middle-aged patient, there......
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Our bodies change as we age, we have looser skin, we see more wrinkles, we aren’t as nimble, our eyesight isn’t as strong…the list goes on. The problems we see on the outside are sometimes the most troubling to us as we......
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Photodamaged Skin

October 24, 2013
Let’s talk about Photodamage. No, this isn’t damage from taking too many selfies, it is essentially damage to your skin from UVA (aging) and UVB (burning) rays from the sun or tanning booth. Approximately 80% of photo damage occurs by the time......
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Does your skin feel dull and lifeless after the first couple months of winter?  Short days, holiday eating and late night festivities can do a number on your complexion.  Don’t feel bad – you’re not alone! Winter is a great time to......
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Spring is finally here, but your skin is cloudy and lifeless from the long, grey and dreary winter. Put life – and spring – back into your skin! It’s time to give your face the extra brilliance it needs with a Vita......
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