Whether as a result of aging or genetics, your hormone levels may not be properly balanced. You might experience this in a variety of ways. Maybe you’re feeling less motivated or have less energy than you want. Your interest in sex may have declined, or you might find it harder to think clearly or stay physically fit than in years past. You don’t have to accept this as a fact of life. With hormone replacement therapy, Omni Cosmetic helps patients in Minneapolis, in Saint Paul, and throughout the Midwest optimize their hormone levels and improve their energy, focus, and physical conditioning.
Omni Cosmetic offers hormone replacement therapy with BioTE®, a custom-compounded treatment designed to keep your levels consistent throughout the day. Abby Roth, our certified BioTE provider, has years of experience evaluating and treating patients with BioTE. With care from our practice, we can help you feel more like the person you want to be.