From spa services to plastic surgery—and everything between—how will you rejuvenate this spring? Take advantage of the spring months to prepare for the skin-baring days of summer. Schedule your rejuvenating procedures now—from minimally invasive to plastic surgery—so that you won’t miss out......
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Prepare yourself and those around you before plastic surgery. The more support you have before your cosmetic surgery procedure, the less anxious you will feel during the process. Here is a checklist of what you can do ahead of time to make......
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You’ve booked your plastic surgery consultation appointment seeking options to improve one or more areas of your face. Your Minnesota facial plastic surgeon will evaluate and discuss a comprehensive plan that will help you meet these goals. Combining surgical and non-surgical procedures......
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Beautiful bouncing babies, the labor of love for pregnant women carrying an extra load for nine months. So worth it! After you’ve lost your “baby weight” you might notice that your tummy didn’t go back to where it was before pregnancy. Maybe......
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Vertical lip lines, smoker’s lip, lip stick lines! Those pesky wrinkles above, and sometimes below the lips, continue deepening over time. There is help! Many patients have lessening of the depth with just a few units of Botox. Botox relaxes the muscle......
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Do you have under eye puffiness or dark circles under your eyes but aren’t ready or don’t need plastic surgery? There are many eye creams available for the under eye area, but they are not all equal. Omni Cosmetic carries medical grade skin......
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Sagging breasts don’t just happen to women as they age. Factors such as heredity, weight of breasts, weight loss, pregnancy, and tissue elasticity can cause even young women to notice drooping breasts. A breast lift, or mastopexy, can be performed in a......
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Spider Vein Treatment

August 24, 2012
Sclerotherapy is a treatment that has been used for many years to reduce the unsightly appearance of spider veins. Sclerotherapy is still considered the ‘gold standard’ of spider vein treatment. Sclerotherapy is not a treatment for varicose veins. This vein treatment involves......
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