We love the SkinPen® as a natural way to slow down the aging process with minimal downtime. It is also a great way to protect the investment you have made in your skin after cosmetic surgery by continuing to keep your skin lifted and firm. SkinPen® is also one of our amazing choices to treat hyperpigmentation, melasma, and rosacea safely and effectively.
We recommend starting with a package of three non-invasive and affordable treatments spaced 30 days apart. Most of our patients see improvements in the skin’s appearance for six months after their last treatment and step out with confidence. We recommend that once your treatment series has been completed, the best results will be achieved with maintenance treatments every 3-4 months to keep your skin looking youthful! Alternatively, we have found that after a SkinPen® series, some patients find that their skin is ready to take on a more aggressive treatment with the Sciton® Halo™ Laser treatment. The Halo™ treatment uses laser-generated thermal stimulation, instead of mechanical needling to stimulate collagen.